A Black Spot- (We have not had electricity much, 6 hours only a day while we are asleep from 12-6AM, so this is late & my wife hasn't had time to add any blogs)
Dec. 21st, 2011 The day after the murder, I went back to see if he was still there. I found, not a lifeless & horrific murdered body with a sheet atop it, but merely a small insignificant black spot where his body had been. No one stood around the spot as before. No one noticed it, pointed to it, or talked about it. There was no sign from relatives with a photo or a cross & flowers to bereave their loved one. CONT'D
Every person including my translator, seemed confused by me even inspecting what was to them an insignificant piece of ground with an utterly unremarkable black spot, no different than thousands of other such burn spots all over this city teeming with people. In our small city, at least for awhile, people would have come to look, stood around & talked about it or took photos, but here it was just the previous resting place of another not all-together shocking murder. There was no investigation, no inquiry, no mass questioning. It was merely accepted as normal, just another of life's little annoyances that someone had taken care of, like a dead dog on the highway, so that they need not concern themselves anymore & so that they could return to their normal lives pursuing their previous goals with not so much as a thought to question the certainty, length, or meaning of their own lives.
No human even cared anymore about that one day old news, not a single soul, only me. I did not weep openly, but inside I was heartbroken. For me, that black spot was a symbol of a world without compassion, a nation without God. Not that God isn't available, but just as scripture says, "Therefore, remember that in the past you were Gentiles...at that time you were without Christ...having no hope, and without God in the world." Eph 2:11-12 (abbreviated) The names of God & Jesus are written on most buildings & public vehicles here in Haiti, but only what is written in the heart matters. On Sundays, the greatest number of church-going Haitian men who live here, go to their services & worship God, considering themselves fit for God & heaven & afterwards visit their girlfriends (or mistresses) & spend time with their illicit children with never even the slightest thought of a need for repentance.
There will be justice for that man, for his killers, & for every person, God's perfectly just but unbending justice. And without a belief in the sacrifice of Christ that comes with a life of corresponding holy fruit to crown it as genuine, our fate will be an eternal fire & our names also will be forgotten forever, with not even a black spot to mark the useless lives we have lived. Will you resolve to lose 10 pounds this year, or keep your car clean, or not bite your fingernails or will you get on your knees before a holy God & offer him your faith & life & future? Precious in the sight of God is the death of His saints"! What a difference knowing him makes! For he is coming for a bride that has neither spot nor wrinkle nor any such thing, but for a glorious church, where every member is holy & without blemish. (Eph 5:27)

Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
A Christmas Murder- December 19th, 2011
December 19th, 2011
My wife has not been able to blog due to no consistent electricity, internet connection, or time, but hopefully soon she will do many blog updates. For now, this one is from me-
Today, while on a long walk looking for a Christmas present for Holly, I came upon the dead body of a murdered man, lying in the street, covered with a sheet. I could not resist to look under it & be certain as we had recently perhaps helped save the life of an unconscious & bleeding boy presumed dead on the street by getting a nurse to him & her getting him to a hospital. When I removed the sheet, I was unprepared for what I saw. His open & partially melted eyes may stick with me forever, as it was clear that he had been burned up while still alive.
Surprisingly, I was not scared or even aghast at the sight, though something like CSI turns my stomach & I won't even watch those shows. Yet, as time went by today, I felt more & more haunted inside by the man, like Jacob Marley, screaming out from his hellish chains, repent & change your life for like me, you too will die & sooner than you think.
If there is nothing after death, life is meaningless. But if there is a life after that, and there is, nothing else matters but to live for that other life, as this one is just a vapor that comes for a time & then vanishes away. The day before, he was enjoying some food, thinking of a woman perhaps, deciding what he wanted to buy next perhaps as a Christmas present, dreaming of the pleasures of this life as if it would go on forever, but it didn't. What would he have done if he had known it would be his last day on earth? What would what he would have done differently have mattered unless it was before God alone? Might this be your last day, or mine?
We hide death in America so no one will be reminded of their own mortality, as that isn't a pleasant thought. The dead are enbalmed & made to look as much as possible like they did when they were alive, so we never fully see the change, the finality of death, the true ugliness & decay of it. We bury the dead in caskets so their bodies will be "preserved", so the fact never fully hits us as it did me today, that we are all going to die & these bodies are but a patheticly fragile shell.
I hear him crying out what is written on a tombstone in Scottsville, "AS YOU PASS BY, REMEMBER THAT, AS YOU ARE, SO ONCE WAS I, AND AS I AM, YOU SOON WILL BE, PREPARE YOURSELF TO FOLLOW ME." I have heard of a response written on a tombstone with the same message elsewhere, "To follow you, I'll not consent, Until I know, just where you went!" No one knows where he went but God. There was no one to remember him & no one even knew his name, but he is alive somewhere, in heaven or in hell. If it had been you, where would you be now?
Are you trusting you will go to heaven because you think you are a good person? That won't even get you into France to live, much less heaven, as God knows every sin you have ever committed, for example, every lie you have ever told. Scripture tells us that every liar will have part in the lake of fire & that no liar will enter heaven. Are you trusting you would be in heaven because you believe the same thing every devil believes, that Jesus died & rose from the dead but also like them, you live a life of continual sin, unsubmitted to God? I beg you to believe in Jesus & also to surrender your entire life to God, with nothing held back & then pray for me, that I will continue in the same path. For there are greater eyes staring into the depths of my soul than the dead man's.
Let Christmas bring a true spiritual change for us all, knowing how, not merely to keep Christmas in our hearts as Scrooge did, but to keep Christ in the center of our hearts & lives. Chris Wood
P.S. I have a video of the man (covered) on our translator's phone, if I can figure out how to get it off of it.
My wife has not been able to blog due to no consistent electricity, internet connection, or time, but hopefully soon she will do many blog updates. For now, this one is from me-
Today, while on a long walk looking for a Christmas present for Holly, I came upon the dead body of a murdered man, lying in the street, covered with a sheet. I could not resist to look under it & be certain as we had recently perhaps helped save the life of an unconscious & bleeding boy presumed dead on the street by getting a nurse to him & her getting him to a hospital. When I removed the sheet, I was unprepared for what I saw. His open & partially melted eyes may stick with me forever, as it was clear that he had been burned up while still alive.
Surprisingly, I was not scared or even aghast at the sight, though something like CSI turns my stomach & I won't even watch those shows. Yet, as time went by today, I felt more & more haunted inside by the man, like Jacob Marley, screaming out from his hellish chains, repent & change your life for like me, you too will die & sooner than you think.
If there is nothing after death, life is meaningless. But if there is a life after that, and there is, nothing else matters but to live for that other life, as this one is just a vapor that comes for a time & then vanishes away. The day before, he was enjoying some food, thinking of a woman perhaps, deciding what he wanted to buy next perhaps as a Christmas present, dreaming of the pleasures of this life as if it would go on forever, but it didn't. What would he have done if he had known it would be his last day on earth? What would what he would have done differently have mattered unless it was before God alone? Might this be your last day, or mine?
We hide death in America so no one will be reminded of their own mortality, as that isn't a pleasant thought. The dead are enbalmed & made to look as much as possible like they did when they were alive, so we never fully see the change, the finality of death, the true ugliness & decay of it. We bury the dead in caskets so their bodies will be "preserved", so the fact never fully hits us as it did me today, that we are all going to die & these bodies are but a patheticly fragile shell.
I hear him crying out what is written on a tombstone in Scottsville, "AS YOU PASS BY, REMEMBER THAT, AS YOU ARE, SO ONCE WAS I, AND AS I AM, YOU SOON WILL BE, PREPARE YOURSELF TO FOLLOW ME." I have heard of a response written on a tombstone with the same message elsewhere, "To follow you, I'll not consent, Until I know, just where you went!" No one knows where he went but God. There was no one to remember him & no one even knew his name, but he is alive somewhere, in heaven or in hell. If it had been you, where would you be now?
Are you trusting you will go to heaven because you think you are a good person? That won't even get you into France to live, much less heaven, as God knows every sin you have ever committed, for example, every lie you have ever told. Scripture tells us that every liar will have part in the lake of fire & that no liar will enter heaven. Are you trusting you would be in heaven because you believe the same thing every devil believes, that Jesus died & rose from the dead but also like them, you live a life of continual sin, unsubmitted to God? I beg you to believe in Jesus & also to surrender your entire life to God, with nothing held back & then pray for me, that I will continue in the same path. For there are greater eyes staring into the depths of my soul than the dead man's.
Let Christmas bring a true spiritual change for us all, knowing how, not merely to keep Christmas in our hearts as Scrooge did, but to keep Christ in the center of our hearts & lives. Chris Wood
P.S. I have a video of the man (covered) on our translator's phone, if I can figure out how to get it off of it.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Tomorrow I make the journey to my beloved Haiti. I am both nerves and excited for what is ahead of me. My emotions have been crazy the past week. But the good thing is we will be with them. Lots of bonding time is in store for us. All of this is in Gods timing. My trust and hope is in him. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Please keep us in your prayers.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
What a stressful past couple of days. It started off with a message from Haiti that our little was not eating because she missed for mom. They said she was getting skinny. I had a our friend Moise go out on Tuesday. He took her boiled eggs and juice. She ate that we talked with her on the phone she thought something was wrong with me or that we had forgotten her. We counted together how many days it will be till we are there. Moise will go back tomorrow with some fruit. We got a adoption update and it looks like we will be staying in Haiti for a bit. Sorry I do not think we will make it home for the holidays. We had a little paper mix up that is going to give us a small delay. But I think this all in Gods plan. I am just having a hard time with it. As much as I love Haiti I am more in love with my comfortable American life. I am also a little excited and nerves about the unknow. I am trying not to give in to the stress. Also the place we had planned to stay at is not going to work out. So when we get to Haiti we will be looking for something. I covet your prayers so very much.Love to you all, Holly
Friday, October 14, 2011
I can’t live as if you don’t exist
I can’t live for I have seen with my own eyes. You are not just someone from tv, a news story, or a dream. I can’t live as if you don’t exist. I have seen you with my own eyes. I held your hand in mine, I have seen the pain in your eyes, I have rocked you to sleep, I have wiped your tears, bandage your wounds. I can’t live as if you don’t exist. For moments I have seen you dance, play, smile, and laugh. I have seen hope in you. I can’t live as if you don’t exist.
God you have seen all of this at times in me, and been there in those times. I can’t live as if you don’t exist.
God you have seen all of this at times in me, and been there in those times. I can’t live as if you don’t exist.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Our Adoption Timeline
January 21, 2010 got e-mail from Eric and Leslie Ludy about earthquake and Danita's Children
January 25,2010 sent application to Danita's Children to go to Haiti
February 10,2010 Got new passport
February 10,2010 signed up with Foundation for Children in Need to go to Haiti
March 4,2010 I Left Nashville for Haiti
March 5, 2010 I Arrived in Haiti
March 12, 2010 Came home from Haiti forever changed
April 20, 2010 Talked to ABI about adopting and using them as our agency
April 29th till May 21st 2010 Chris and I go to Haiti for him to meet the girls
June 10, 2010 I talked to Diana Boni
June 16, 2010 we talked with Diana Boni
June 22, 2010 application sent ABI
July 1, 2010 formal application sent ABI
July 14, 2010 education and formal interview at ABI
July 25, 2010 started sending off for police reports and certificates
July 29, 2010 homestudy at our hose
August 12, 2010 1-600A done and mailed
August 12, 2010 Business agreement with ABI signed and mailed
August 13, 2010 online adoption Education finished
August 13, 2010 Got our dossier paper work
August 24, 2010 Dossier finished and mailed to ABI
August 29, 2010 Homestudy approved
September 7, 2010 I 797C Action in the mail
September 18th till 27th 2010 Haiti trip
October 12, 2010 Finger printing at the FBI
November 15, 2010 Dossier sent to Haiti
Dec 15th till Jan 16th 2010/2011 Haiti trip
January 11, 2011 went to court in Petionville, Haiti to see the clerk/judge
January 24, 2011 started papers for I-600
January 27, 2011 we entered IBESR
February 16, 2011 sent papers in for I600
May 2nd to 17th 2011 Haiti trip
May 14, 2011 Letter from Visa center I-600 is approved
June 24, 2011 out of ISESR
July 11, 2011 Out of Parquet Court
July 17th till 27th 2011 Haiti trip
July 20, 2011 we went to see the Dean
September 29, 2011 we got an update saying we have been in MOI for 2 weeks
October 6, 2011 US Consulate appointment
January 25,2010 sent application to Danita's Children to go to Haiti
February 10,2010 Got new passport
February 10,2010 signed up with Foundation for Children in Need to go to Haiti
March 4,2010 I Left Nashville for Haiti
March 5, 2010 I Arrived in Haiti
March 12, 2010 Came home from Haiti forever changed
April 20, 2010 Talked to ABI about adopting and using them as our agency
April 29th till May 21st 2010 Chris and I go to Haiti for him to meet the girls
June 10, 2010 I talked to Diana Boni
June 16, 2010 we talked with Diana Boni
June 22, 2010 application sent ABI
July 1, 2010 formal application sent ABI
July 14, 2010 education and formal interview at ABI
July 25, 2010 started sending off for police reports and certificates
July 29, 2010 homestudy at our hose
August 12, 2010 1-600A done and mailed
August 12, 2010 Business agreement with ABI signed and mailed
August 13, 2010 online adoption Education finished
August 13, 2010 Got our dossier paper work
August 24, 2010 Dossier finished and mailed to ABI
August 29, 2010 Homestudy approved
September 7, 2010 I 797C Action in the mail
September 18th till 27th 2010 Haiti trip
October 12, 2010 Finger printing at the FBI
November 15, 2010 Dossier sent to Haiti
Dec 15th till Jan 16th 2010/2011 Haiti trip
January 11, 2011 went to court in Petionville, Haiti to see the clerk/judge
January 24, 2011 started papers for I-600
January 27, 2011 we entered IBESR
February 16, 2011 sent papers in for I600
May 2nd to 17th 2011 Haiti trip
May 14, 2011 Letter from Visa center I-600 is approved
June 24, 2011 out of ISESR
July 11, 2011 Out of Parquet Court
July 17th till 27th 2011 Haiti trip
July 20, 2011 we went to see the Dean
September 29, 2011 we got an update saying we have been in MOI for 2 weeks
October 6, 2011 US Consulate appointment
hair care for new vanilla mamas
This is two blogs I wanted to share with you all. I am trying to learn about my girls hair and the best care for it.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
US Consulate
The girls families went today for there interview with the US Consulate. Margarette had to wait over an hour outside at the US Embassy. The guards would not let her in. Diana made some contacts and got her in. The interviews went well. Thank God one more thing is done.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
To the boy of 13
To the boy of 13 who never got to see what it was like to go on your first date, to never have know what it was like to be 16 and go for your first drive. to see your bride on your wedding day. To see that life can be crazy sometimes but an adventure. To me you will always be a boy of 13. You are loved and missed by your little sister who misses that she never got to see the man you would have became. We dreamed dreams together they where only that for you will always be 13. 23 years ago we lost our brother Jason, and our lives forever changed
Friday, September 9, 2011
I have waited for 16 months for September to be here. I always felt like this would be the month and year we would get the girls. Now September is finally here and flying by. Everyday that passes means one step closer to getting them, but it also means one more day without them, a day lost to never be had again. I can't wait for them to come. I love fall and want to share it with them. Praying
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Rollercoaster Day
Today was a rollercoaster day. To start the morning off Chris called and said Lifelong had called and we did not get a grant from them. I think I handle that well. I realized I had lost my favorite Haiti shirt. I have worn that shirt everytime I have been to Haiti. I could handle not getting the grant but not losing that shirt. I was going to take it to Nashville with me today to find some fabric to match to have the girls a dress made with it. I called Chris and had him look for it. He found it on the sidewalk it had fallen out of the bag. That was a close one. We got an e-mail from Diana today about our I-600 saying she was getting some good progress without having to eat anyone for lunch. Later in the day we got another e-mail saying They have it! USCIS has the documents (at last) and will contact us soon to set up the I-604. We’ll get that interview done as soon as possible. I am glad she did not have to eat anyone. But I think she would have if it came to that. We are glad to have her working for us. I also talked with Daphnica today. She was a little quite today. Moise was working with her on table manners today.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Waiting…………. The season in my life
For nine months a woman carries a baby. Waiting long months and laboring long hours then she gives birth. For a woman adopting you carry a child in your heart. Waiting long months, or years to get your child. Seasons pass and dreams die. Laboring long hours over paper work and documents. Sometimes it seems if the day will never come. You prepare your heart, home, family and then you just wait.
In Hebrew wait means to hope for, to anticipate.
Lam 3:23-25 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, "The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!" The LORD is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him.
At this time I seem to be waiting (hoping) for so much. Acceptance letters for I600s to PAP, Out of MOI, Passports, Visas, family interviews for the girls, to see if we get a grant. Waiting to see how many moments I will miss with the girls. I am waiting to be there mom.
The past few days I have thinking on this verse in Isaiah 40:31 But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
Someday I will be stronger and look out when I soar. But for now I am waiting. All things will come in Gods time. Psa 27:14 Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD. I remind myself of this a thousand times a day.
I went thru the bible today and looked at people who waited, and what they waited for.
Abraham and Sara waiting for a son (Isaac)
Jacob waiting and serving 14 years for Rachel. Leah waiting to be loved.
Joseph waiting in a pit, then later in a prison
The children of Israel waiting for freedom, then the promise land
Hannah waiting for a child
David waiting to be king
Daniel in a lions den
The children of Israel waiting for the Messiah
Zachariah and Elizabeth waiting for John to be born
Mary waiting for Jesus to be born
Jesus waiting on a Cross
Disciples waiting for him to come back
Disciples waiting for the Holy spirit
Us waiting for his coming
Me waiting to be a mother
This is a song I found today about waiting. I really like it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wcdY2v5Kio&feature=related
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sorry I have not updated in a while
Sorry I have not updated in a while. I am still trying to process everything for our last trip. I came home so worn out I was physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. I will post more about that another time. It was so very hard to say goodbye this time. I am back to my old self with my long to do list before the girls get here. Everyone says I am nesting. I feel as if I am in a new season in my life. On our last trip to Haiti we went to see the Dean. That went well. She was much different than what I had been told. She is very stern but nice. Now we are just waiting. We got news that the US has not sent our I600 letter of acceptance to Haiti. But I am not worried I know Diana has it under control and I will let her worry and take care of that. I have learned that I must trust God. I am waiting on his timing.
Me and the girls with the Dean.
Me and the girls with the Dean.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Manman just one thing
Yesterday I talked with the girls. Rosika the oldest ask me if I could bring her just one thing I ask her what that was she said a tent. I told her I could not bring just a tent for her. That would not be fair for all the other kids. She said no no manman one for all of us. I told her I could not carry one that sleeps 100 kids. But we were trying to do something. Life is so hard for these kids. It breaks my heart.
When it was time to say goodbye I told them I had to go that I loved them and bye, the little one says no bye manman no goodbye. I said I love you and will see you on Monday Rosika says NO Goodbye. How will I ever get on that plane when it is time to come back home. God please give me strength. I know all things in you time.
When it was time to say goodbye I told them I had to go that I loved them and bye, the little one says no bye manman no goodbye. I said I love you and will see you on Monday Rosika says NO Goodbye. How will I ever get on that plane when it is time to come back home. God please give me strength. I know all things in you time.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sometimes God gives us blessings when we are not expecting them.
I was on my was to Bowling Green with my friend Nancy. At 9:34am I got a call from Diana with ABI she ask me if I was sitting down and said I would want to. I said OK. She said you are not going to believe this, I find it had to believe but you are out of Parquet Court. That this usually takes around 4 months and we had done it in about 2 weeks. Parquet Court is a very complex series of steps and processes involving multiple offices and repeated trips between them. All I could do was cry. I think for a few minutes Nancy wondered what was going on with my crying. But they where happy tears. I told Diana I was speechless and did not know what to say. She said I can tell you what to say thank you God. Which I did. She said that she had not heard of a family being done with parquet court this fast. She said it is a miracle. She said we might want to look into fall enrollment for school.
To God be all the glory. Sometimes he gives us blessings when we are not expecting them. All day I have felt like I am in a dream. In just a few months our girls will be on a plane with us. I have so much to do.
Thank you all so much for your support, love, and most of all your prayers. A special thanks to everyone at All Blessings International, Diana Boni, Margarette Saint Fleur, Carlyne Saint-Cyr and the wonderful team in Haiti , Lesly Tilus and Anna for caring for my girls.
To God be all the glory. Sometimes he gives us blessings when we are not expecting them. All day I have felt like I am in a dream. In just a few months our girls will be on a plane with us. I have so much to do.
Thank you all so much for your support, love, and most of all your prayers. A special thanks to everyone at All Blessings International, Diana Boni, Margarette Saint Fleur, Carlyne Saint-Cyr and the wonderful team in Haiti , Lesly Tilus and Anna for caring for my girls.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Who can have fun
They told us to have fun this summer, because it would be our last one without kids. Who can have fun not knowing if yours ate today, got hurt. My gilrs have to sleep in tents that might get flooded with water. This is how they live. Who can have fun knowing this.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Looking back
It is hard to think that a year ago we were having our homestudy and doing all kinds of paper work. Looking back the time has gone by so fast and yet so slow. We have meet so many nice and kind hearted people. When I went to Haiti the first time I had no idea what God had in store for us. I knew there was something special about the place as or plane was landing. How much our lives have changed and will be changing. I welcome the change. I Left my heart in Haiti on that first trip. Thank you God for your wonderful gift of two beautiful Haitian daughters.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
We just booked tickets to Haiti.
We just booked tickets to Haiti. I am so excited I may not sleep till then. I feel like a kid in a candy store. I can't imagine what it will feel like when we bring the home.
We will be seeing the Dean this trip, and spending time with our girls. While we are there we will go to some other orphanages to check on the kids. We are taking kids underware, and baby dolls if anyone wants to help. We will also by food for some of the orphanages.
We will be seeing the Dean this trip, and spending time with our girls. While we are there we will go to some other orphanages to check on the kids. We are taking kids underware, and baby dolls if anyone wants to help. We will also by food for some of the orphanages.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
It has been said, “Many things in life catch our eye, but only a few things catch our heart. Those are the things we are passionate about.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Today our Rosika Faveur Wood turned 12.
She told Moise on Wednesday that her mommy would be calling on Sunday because it was her birthday.
There were no candles, balloons, or cake. We called her early this morning to sing happy birthday to her. She was very happy and laughed. She had written me a note and had Moise to read it I could only understand parts because the connection was real bad. But it was a very special letter. I told her to put it in a special place and give it to me when we come in a few weeks. We told them that we were out of IBESR and the lady we had all been praying for had signed the papers. This will be her last birthday without her parents. When we were in Haiti in May, we celebrated her birthday we had Jell-O and gave her a watch. My prayer today was that God would send someone to give her a hug and let her know she is loved.
It is hard to think that 12 years ago on June 26, 1999 at 6 PM in Haiti my daughter was born. I was not there but God was and he knew that someday she would be ours. I thank God for the woman that gave her life and loved her before I did. I am sorry that she did not live to she her Rose turn 12. I feel so blessed that she in mine. I hope that she will be everything her mother wished and prayed for her to be. I know from what Rosika has said her mother she loved her very much.
Happy Birthday to my big princess and our pretty pink Rose.
There were no candles, balloons, or cake. We called her early this morning to sing happy birthday to her. She was very happy and laughed. She had written me a note and had Moise to read it I could only understand parts because the connection was real bad. But it was a very special letter. I told her to put it in a special place and give it to me when we come in a few weeks. We told them that we were out of IBESR and the lady we had all been praying for had signed the papers. This will be her last birthday without her parents. When we were in Haiti in May, we celebrated her birthday we had Jell-O and gave her a watch. My prayer today was that God would send someone to give her a hug and let her know she is loved.
It is hard to think that 12 years ago on June 26, 1999 at 6 PM in Haiti my daughter was born. I was not there but God was and he knew that someday she would be ours. I thank God for the woman that gave her life and loved her before I did. I am sorry that she did not live to she her Rose turn 12. I feel so blessed that she in mine. I hope that she will be everything her mother wished and prayed for her to be. I know from what Rosika has said her mother she loved her very much.
Happy Birthday to my big princess and our pretty pink Rose.
June 24th 2011 at 1:42 PM
June 24th 2011 at 1:42 PM
Yesterday Chris and I went on a little road trip to Columbia, KY to pick up some photos that he bought of his great grandparents and great grandmother that he had (amazingly) found on e-bay. While I was waiting for Chris to be ready to leave the house, I read some verses about Gods faithfulness. I told him I put this whole adoption in His hands and could not worry about it anymore, that I had given it to Him & now it was His worry. We started out the morning by going to a few yard sales. We got to Columbia around twelve. We stopped in to get the photos and bought some other items: vintage Kern’s breadbox, a very cool cast iron clothing rack that spins, and a few other vintage photos. The photos of Chris’ family were very cool. Next, we made a stop in Goodwill, but we did not buy anything. Chris saw a combination antique shop & Christian bookstore, J and F Variety, across the street, so we went in. Immediately, I saw two small glass roosters & I knew Brittney would want them, so I called to ask her. She said yes, as I knew she would. I had finished shopping and was waiting on Chris when I felt my phone vibrate. When I answered, it was Diana with All Blessings International (the greatest adoption agency in the world). She asked me if I was sitting down & I said, “No, do I need to?” & she said I might want to. So I found a chair in the shop and sat down & had Chris to come over to hear too. She said, “You are out of IBESR…” and that is about all I can remember. It felt like a dream. I was so happy. I laughed, cried, prayed, and gave thanks to God. I thought this day would never come. But here it is, finally & I am one big step closer to bringing my beautiful Haitian girls home. I pray things go very fast from here, but it is not my worry. I gave it to God. I am just going to praise Him while I wait. Once I hung up with her, I called everyone that I could to let them know we had made it out of the black hole. The hardest call was to our friends the Carvers. I so wish there papers had been signed as well, but I know they will be very soon. Being a sentimentalist, I decided we needed to buy something from the store as a keepsake for the girls. I picked out two vintage keys for them, as they hold the key to my heart. I will add a tag to them that tells about this day and why they are so special. The storeowners asked if we had gotten some good news. We told them we had. They gave us two small American flags for the girls. As we were leaving, I thought I needed to take a picture of this place (as for some reason, I had taken the camera with me). As I took the photo of the place, I noticed what their sign said under the name- “But with God all things are possible.” This made me cry again and also kicked my faith up a notch. As we drove home, I was sailing high. I kept thinking this must be how pregnant women feel. In only a few months, my girls will be here. I have so much to do. When we got home, Candace, Savannah, and Michelle came over to help celebrate. We made these Haitian fried bananas, which I did not like, though everyone else liked them fairly well. But I did enjoy the hot tea and the company. That was a day I will never forget. In the morning, we will tell the girls the news.
So, I know a lot of you are asking what happens next. We will be going to Haiti in July to see the Dean. We enter Parquet Court, which is a very complex series of steps and processes involving multiple offices and repeated trips between them. Then after that comes the Ministry of the Interior, followed by Haitian Immigrations, & then the final step will be US Immigrations. Lastly, after all that, we will be going to Haiti to get our girls. I do not know when this will happen. No one does but God and He is not telling.
Yesterday Chris and I went on a little road trip to Columbia, KY to pick up some photos that he bought of his great grandparents and great grandmother that he had (amazingly) found on e-bay. While I was waiting for Chris to be ready to leave the house, I read some verses about Gods faithfulness. I told him I put this whole adoption in His hands and could not worry about it anymore, that I had given it to Him & now it was His worry. We started out the morning by going to a few yard sales. We got to Columbia around twelve. We stopped in to get the photos and bought some other items: vintage Kern’s breadbox, a very cool cast iron clothing rack that spins, and a few other vintage photos. The photos of Chris’ family were very cool. Next, we made a stop in Goodwill, but we did not buy anything. Chris saw a combination antique shop & Christian bookstore, J and F Variety, across the street, so we went in. Immediately, I saw two small glass roosters & I knew Brittney would want them, so I called to ask her. She said yes, as I knew she would. I had finished shopping and was waiting on Chris when I felt my phone vibrate. When I answered, it was Diana with All Blessings International (the greatest adoption agency in the world). She asked me if I was sitting down & I said, “No, do I need to?” & she said I might want to. So I found a chair in the shop and sat down & had Chris to come over to hear too. She said, “You are out of IBESR…” and that is about all I can remember. It felt like a dream. I was so happy. I laughed, cried, prayed, and gave thanks to God. I thought this day would never come. But here it is, finally & I am one big step closer to bringing my beautiful Haitian girls home. I pray things go very fast from here, but it is not my worry. I gave it to God. I am just going to praise Him while I wait. Once I hung up with her, I called everyone that I could to let them know we had made it out of the black hole. The hardest call was to our friends the Carvers. I so wish there papers had been signed as well, but I know they will be very soon. Being a sentimentalist, I decided we needed to buy something from the store as a keepsake for the girls. I picked out two vintage keys for them, as they hold the key to my heart. I will add a tag to them that tells about this day and why they are so special. The storeowners asked if we had gotten some good news. We told them we had. They gave us two small American flags for the girls. As we were leaving, I thought I needed to take a picture of this place (as for some reason, I had taken the camera with me). As I took the photo of the place, I noticed what their sign said under the name- “But with God all things are possible.” This made me cry again and also kicked my faith up a notch. As we drove home, I was sailing high. I kept thinking this must be how pregnant women feel. In only a few months, my girls will be here. I have so much to do. When we got home, Candace, Savannah, and Michelle came over to help celebrate. We made these Haitian fried bananas, which I did not like, though everyone else liked them fairly well. But I did enjoy the hot tea and the company. That was a day I will never forget. In the morning, we will tell the girls the news.
So, I know a lot of you are asking what happens next. We will be going to Haiti in July to see the Dean. We enter Parquet Court, which is a very complex series of steps and processes involving multiple offices and repeated trips between them. Then after that comes the Ministry of the Interior, followed by Haitian Immigrations, & then the final step will be US Immigrations. Lastly, after all that, we will be going to Haiti to get our girls. I do not know when this will happen. No one does but God and He is not telling.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Haitian Picklese (Pikliz)
This turned out so good. I am so proud of myself.
6 Scotch bonnet peppers
2 cups thinly sliced or shredded cabbage
1/2 cup thinly sliced or shredded carrots
1/4 cup thinly sliced or shredded onions
4 whole cloves
1 tsp salt
8 to 10 peppercorns (optional)
3 cups vinegar
1.Snip off the stem of the peppers, cut each into 4 pieces, and keep the seeds. Place hot peppers, cabbage, carrots, onion, cloves, salt, and peppercorn in a quart size jar. Then add vinegar.
2.Close jar tightly and let sit at least 24-48 hours before serving.
6 Scotch bonnet peppers
2 cups thinly sliced or shredded cabbage
1/2 cup thinly sliced or shredded carrots
1/4 cup thinly sliced or shredded onions
4 whole cloves
1 tsp salt
8 to 10 peppercorns (optional)
3 cups vinegar
1.Snip off the stem of the peppers, cut each into 4 pieces, and keep the seeds. Place hot peppers, cabbage, carrots, onion, cloves, salt, and peppercorn in a quart size jar. Then add vinegar.
2.Close jar tightly and let sit at least 24-48 hours before serving.
Haitian Pumpkin Bread
I am trying my hand at Haitian cooking so I am going to share a few recipes we have tried with you all. Maybe my girls will love my Haitian food. This was really good with some homemade peach jelly, and mango slices.
Haitian Pumpkin Bread
Makes 2 Loaves
1C. Milk
1 C. Pumpkin
1/4 C. Sugar
2. Eggs
1/2 C. Warm Water
1/2 tsp. Ginger
2 tbs. Baking Soda
6 1/2 C. Flour
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Cinnamon
Mix milk, pumpkin, butter, sugar, and warm water, and eggs. Sift together all dry ingredients and mix with the liquid mixture. Pour into greased loaf pans and bake for 1 hour. At 350
Haitian Pumpkin Bread
Makes 2 Loaves
1C. Milk
1 C. Pumpkin
1/4 C. Sugar
2. Eggs
1/2 C. Warm Water
1/2 tsp. Ginger
2 tbs. Baking Soda
6 1/2 C. Flour
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Cinnamon
Mix milk, pumpkin, butter, sugar, and warm water, and eggs. Sift together all dry ingredients and mix with the liquid mixture. Pour into greased loaf pans and bake for 1 hour. At 350
Friday, June 10, 2011
Haiti words of the day
Wi - Yes
yo - they, them
Non - No
Mesi - Thanks
yo - they, them
Non - No
Mesi - Thanks
We have volunteered at the nursing home for 12 years and you have the ones you love and then you have the ones who become family. Today I found out one of the ones that is family past away. I will miss being called Polly, do you have 50 cents for a diet RC, and you don't by cigarettes do you Polly. Bobby was blind but now he can see. I wonder what he thought when he saw heaven. I would have loved to been there to see the look on his face. Imagine never seeing and the first time you do it is heaven. I will miss him.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Child Slave, Wendell's Song (16 years old) Port-au-Prince, Haiti
We meet Wendell playing on the street out by the airport. I found this on you tube and wanted to share.
Haiti words of the day
Bonjou or alo (hello)
orevwa (goodbye)
jodi a (today)
demen (tomorrow)
ki kote (where)
orevwa (goodbye)
jodi a (today)
demen (tomorrow)
ki kote (where)
Monday, June 6, 2011
Haiti words of the day
M ap vini (I am coming)
mwen sonje ou (I miss you)
mwen sonje ou anpil (I miss you so much)
mwen sonje ou (I miss you)
mwen sonje ou anpil (I miss you so much)
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Mothers Day
I spent my second Mother's day in Haiti with the girls. This verse from a song keeps coming to mind-
"I wanna give her the world, I wanna hold her hand, I wanna be her mom for as long as I can, and I wanna live every moment until that day comes, I wanna show her what it means to be loved."
Last Sunday was Haitian mothers day. Our little one was so sad that I was not there so she could give me a hug and kiss. I called the girls on the phone. O how I miss them. So tonight I was thinking of this song again as I thought of them and wondered if they were asleep yet. Had anyone told them today how special they are, held their hand, gave them a hug or kiss, or wiped the dirt from their knees.
We got word last week that our little one had gotten a cut on the elbow. I should have been their for her. I should have been the one to put the bandage on her to kiss her and tell her it was going to be ok. I feel as if I have let her down.
"I wanna give her the world, I wanna hold her hand, I wanna be her mom for as long as I can, and I wanna live every moment until that day comes, I wanna show her what it means to be loved."
Last Sunday was Haitian mothers day. Our little one was so sad that I was not there so she could give me a hug and kiss. I called the girls on the phone. O how I miss them. So tonight I was thinking of this song again as I thought of them and wondered if they were asleep yet. Had anyone told them today how special they are, held their hand, gave them a hug or kiss, or wiped the dirt from their knees.
We got word last week that our little one had gotten a cut on the elbow. I should have been their for her. I should have been the one to put the bandage on her to kiss her and tell her it was going to be ok. I feel as if I have let her down.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
June 1st.
June 1st....... You wake up everyday and tell yourself this just might be the day. Every time the phone rings you think this might just be the call. Somedays the waiting gets to you. When you are pregnant you know in 9 months you will have that baby, but that is not how it works in adoption. It is even worse anticipation when you know you are waiting on just one lady to sign her name. I think we should send her a real nice ink pen. Then there is the choice black,or blue ink. Maybe that is it she is having a hard time trying to decide which color to sign her name with....
Saturday, May 14, 2011
We are in Haiti
We are in Haiti. We like on more lady to sign and them we will exit IBESR. More post to come when we get home.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
In 3 weeks I will holding my girls in my arms. I am going to give them so many hugs and kisses. I can't wait.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
To God be the Glory....
We went and got our taxes done. In the past we have always paid 500 to 5000. I and my friends prayed that it would be the amount we still owed our agency which was 3600.00. I told the girl when I went in that I needed 3600.00 and the IRS could make it out to ABI and get a tax credit. As she was doing the taxes she keep re- adding. She ask if I was ready to write down my return amount. I got out my note pad and she said I needed a bigger piece of paper. It was for 3636.00. She was in shock at the amount because it was almost for what I told her. I told her we had prayed and God had answered. To him be the glory. Now we just have a few other fees.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Flip Flop to help raise adoption funds.
I and a few friends have been busy making these to help with my adoption fees. All sales will go into my adoption fund. They are $8.00 each. I have lots of colors and sizes. They will be in Bowling Green at the Duck Duck Goose consignment sale Spring / Summer Event March 24th - 28th, 2011 Open Daily 10am -8pm; Closed Sunday
Please go sign this. For all the familys adopting Ethiopian children.
Joint Council Emergency Campaign for Ethiopian Children
Joint Council recently released a Statement regarding the announcement by the Ethiopian Ministry of Women’s, Children’s and Youth Affairs plan to reduce intercountry adoption by 90%. The Statement can be found on our blog by clicking here. As part of our continued advocacy, Joint Council has launched an Emergency Campaign for Ethiopian Children. The details of the Campaign can be found below. Please share this information with your friends, family, colleagues, and adoptive families. The Call to Action can also be found on our blog.
We hope you will join us in advocating for the continuation of intercountry adoption in Ethiopia.
Joint Council: Emergency Campaign for Ethiopian Children
What You Can Do:
1) Sign the petition to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Meles Zenawi – and pass it on!
2) Have you adopted from Ethiopia? Please send us up to 3 photos and 50 words or less with what you would like the Ministry to know about your child – we’ll compile the information and send a book to the Ministry of Woman’s Affairs. Send your photos and stories to advocate@jointcouncil.org by Sunday, March 12, 2011 to be included. Please note that sending photos and stories gives Joint Council unrestricted right to use the information you provide.
3) Share…Please send this Call to Action to family members, other adoptive parents, and everyone you know! Post, forward and share your adoption stories via Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. Make sure you include us in your posts so we can all hear your stories! Here’s links to our pages: Facebook, Twitter and our blog.
4) Stay informed: Get up-to-date information regarding the situation in Ethiopia by signing up to receive information from us: click here to do so, make sure you choose “country and issues specific information” and “Ethiopia.” And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and our blog!
5) Help ensure our advocacy can continue: Joint Council is a non-profit and receives no government funding. Please join us in ensuring more children live in safe, permanent and loving families
Joint Council Emergency Campaign for Ethiopian Children
Joint Council recently released a Statement regarding the announcement by the Ethiopian Ministry of Women’s, Children’s and Youth Affairs plan to reduce intercountry adoption by 90%. The Statement can be found on our blog by clicking here. As part of our continued advocacy, Joint Council has launched an Emergency Campaign for Ethiopian Children. The details of the Campaign can be found below. Please share this information with your friends, family, colleagues, and adoptive families. The Call to Action can also be found on our blog.
We hope you will join us in advocating for the continuation of intercountry adoption in Ethiopia.
Joint Council: Emergency Campaign for Ethiopian Children
What You Can Do:
1) Sign the petition to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Meles Zenawi – and pass it on!
2) Have you adopted from Ethiopia? Please send us up to 3 photos and 50 words or less with what you would like the Ministry to know about your child – we’ll compile the information and send a book to the Ministry of Woman’s Affairs. Send your photos and stories to advocate@jointcouncil.org by Sunday, March 12, 2011 to be included. Please note that sending photos and stories gives Joint Council unrestricted right to use the information you provide.
3) Share…Please send this Call to Action to family members, other adoptive parents, and everyone you know! Post, forward and share your adoption stories via Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. Make sure you include us in your posts so we can all hear your stories! Here’s links to our pages: Facebook, Twitter and our blog.
4) Stay informed: Get up-to-date information regarding the situation in Ethiopia by signing up to receive information from us: click here to do so, make sure you choose “country and issues specific information” and “Ethiopia.” And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and our blog!
5) Help ensure our advocacy can continue: Joint Council is a non-profit and receives no government funding. Please join us in ensuring more children live in safe, permanent and loving families
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I miss my girls today more tham ever. It seems as the days pass the more I miss them. We plan to go in May but that seems so far off. I need to see them, hear their sweet voices. To know they are ok. I miss Haiti, I miss my girls.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Today our I-600 went in the mail. One more thing signed, notorized, paid, and mailed. I love when I get things done. It makes it feel like one more step closer to getting the girls.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Haiti 2010 Thank you
January 12th, 2010 changed the nation of Haiti forever. Chris’ life and mine were also forever changed. It is so hard for us to be here in America when our hearts are in Haiti. As I write this, we just got home from a month stay there. This was my fourth time and Chris's third trip to Haiti and all together we have spent over 2 ½ months there in the past year. We have had the opportunity to serve the people there in many ways. We have fed, clothed, bathed, wiped noses, played, danced, laughed, cried, supplied medical care, helped build, and helped tear down. On the last trip, we met & fell in love with a little girl named Leila who had AIDS, TB, and heart problems & then before we returned the third time to see her, we found out she had died. Thus, we found ourselves mourning the loss of a little girl we had only begun to get to know. Life is so fragile. We came upon an orphanage with over 40 children who had not eaten in four days. We immediately pooled our funds together to feed them. When we got there, two of the maybe 10-year-old boys were twelve feet down, digging a hole for a place to use the bathroom. Later, they used this by placing a board on top with a hole in it. At another place, I saw kids on the verge of death, so sick, with bodies nothing but bones. This place felt like a dungeon. It reminded us of a concentration camp for small children. They all had numbers written on their arms that matched the number on their crib. Some were five years old in the cribs. The pain in their eyes was more than one can bear. I will never forget how one little girl grabbed at me and clawed to hold on for dear life when I went to put a back in her crib. As I put her back, all I could think was how wrong this was. She is just a number, a baby girl waiting for death to take her, with no mother, father, or family to hold her close. To the workers she seemed to be only number 4. She was 7 months old I am guessing she weighed maybe 9 to 10 lbs. I thought of how she is a daughter of the most high, wonderfully made, of how she should be cherished, not hungry and dying. I want to change life for as many of these children as I can. I am back home now and seem out of place here in my easy, comfortable, boring American life.
When I first went to Haiti, God had even bigger plans for us than we could have ever imagined. We are in the process of adopting two beautiful Haitian girls. If all goes as planned, their adoption will be completed some time this year. We are praying for the fastest adoption in Haitian history. It’s so strange to think that on June 26th 1999 in a the city of Port-Au-Prince, Haiti in an area know as Delmas our 1st daughter was born.(Rosika) Then on December 16th 2004, we had another daughter (Daphnica) born in the mountains in Kenscoff, Haiti. I was not there for either birth, but God was and He knew that someday they would be orphans and need a family. We are so blessed that he has chosen us to be their parents. We were with Daphnica for her 6th birthday. We do not want to miss out on anymore of their lives. We miss them so much. They were so sad when we left, as were we. One day at breakfast, the little one said to me, “Manman I will never forget you” and we will never forget them. They are truly our girls. I cannot imagine life without them. I look forward to the day I am with them again. I am amazed at what God has done. My bible verse for last year was Isaiah 43: 18 -19 “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
This has all been possible because of your support and prayers. If you would like to help the children of Haiti, we will be going back to Haiti 3-4 times this year. We hope to help build 2-3 classrooms and they will cost $1000.00 each. We are in the process of helping one Orphanage to get their van running & we have raised $700.00 so far, but we still need $1100.00. One orphanage needs a propane stove. We need funds to buy food and cooking coal for the orphanages when we return. We have seen so many children with no shoes and children wearing shoes that are too big, too small, or held together by wire or tape with their toes hanging out. Some of the little girls would roll up a piece of cloth and pretend it was their baby doll. So, we are also collecting shoes and baby dolls to take back with us. There is so much need when we go, but when I have seen the effects of hunger in the eyes of a child, I have to try to help.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Today is a happy day in the Wood house at 11:33 am we got the call saying that we made it into IBESR. I am so happy. It is a start in a still long process. Below is what still has to happen before we get the girls. Please help us pray that things will continue to move fast.
IBESR and Dispensation
Your dossier can now be submitted to IBESR. If your family does not meet the criteria of the law of 1974, your dossier can be pre-approved for Presidential Dispensation and delivered to the Presidential Palace by IBESR. Dispensations are published in the Haitian legal journal Le Moniteur. Following Dispensation, IBESR will sign off on your dossier and grant an Authorization of Adoption.
Parquet Court
The 'step' we refer to as Parquet court is actually a very complex series of steps and processes involving multiple offices and repeated trips between them.
1.Attorney addresses a Request for Judgment to the Chief Justice of Parquet Court
2.Birth parents are interviewed in Parquet Court
3.Parquet Court signs off on "approval judgement for adoption
4.Facilitator takes approval to DGI for stamp of authorization
5.Back to Parquet for enforcement of the approval judgement
6.Authorization and redaction from the Civil Registrar Officer for legal Adoption Decree
7.Verification in Parquet of the adoption documents by the Civil Registrar before signing the adoption decree
8.First Legalization of the Adoption Decree, in Parquet Court
9.Second Legalization of the Adoption Decree, at the Ministry of Justice
10.Third Legalization of the Adoption Decree, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
11.Obtain attestation of Adoption Decree from the National Archives
Ministry of the Interior
All international adoption cases are reviewed by the Ministry of Interior. In order to obtain authorization to request a passport, the following documents must be submitted for each child:
1.Four passport sized pictures
2.Birth Certificate
3.Attestation for the Birth Certificate
4.Extract from the National Archives for the Birth Certificate
6.Proces Verbal of adoption
7.Adoption approval judgement
8.Adoption Decree
9.Attestation of the Adoption Decree
10.Power of Attorney for creche director and/or attorney
11.Stamp from DGI
12.Notary letter for the passport
13.Identification card of facilitator and/or attorney on the case
14.Biological parents' identification cards
15.Adoptive parents' MOI form, identification, and passport photos
The Ministry of Interior will grant authorization to submit the dossier to Haitian Immigrations for a passport.
Haitian Immigrations
The facilitator will submit authorization to apply for a passport to Haitian Immigrations. This is generally a quick process - one to two weeks, if all equipment is working properly.
US Immigrations
Note to international readers - US Immigrations performs the most rigorous investigation of international adoptions. Other nations' Immigrations process are different. Please check with your agency to learn about the process for your home country.)
Parts of the US Immigrations process can occur concurrently with the Haitian process, however USCIS cannot sign off on the case until they have verified the final Adoption Decree and the child's passport. DNA may be requested at any time.
American families are advised to work closely with their agencies to ensure a smooth and efficient US Immigrations process for their child.
Approximately three to four weeks following completion of all USCIS investigations and adjudication of the I600 for the child, the case will be forwarded to the Department of State for issuance of a Visa. The Department of State also has the right to request DNA testing for birth parent and child. Adoptive parents need not be present for the Visa appointment.
Parents who can prove that they visited their child prior to the issuance of the Adoption Decree by Parquet Court will be issued an IR-3 Visa. Their children will be automatically granted full US Citizenship upon arrival in the US.
Families who did not visit their children prior to the date of the Adoption Decree must file for citizenship for their children. Failure to file for citizenship will leave the child as a legal immigrant and unprotected by the rights of full citizenship. Please refer to the USCIS website for form N-600 and instructions on how to file.
These steps were provided by Margarette Saint Fleur of BRESMA orphanage. All legitimate adoptions facilitators must follow each one of them, and must do so under extremely difficult conditions.
Haitian adoptions take far, far too long. Children wait in orphanages for months and even years while the adoption proceedings drag on. And yet, when we look at the immensely complicated process, we must realize what a miracle it is when each child comes home.
IBESR and Dispensation
Your dossier can now be submitted to IBESR. If your family does not meet the criteria of the law of 1974, your dossier can be pre-approved for Presidential Dispensation and delivered to the Presidential Palace by IBESR. Dispensations are published in the Haitian legal journal Le Moniteur. Following Dispensation, IBESR will sign off on your dossier and grant an Authorization of Adoption.
Parquet Court
The 'step' we refer to as Parquet court is actually a very complex series of steps and processes involving multiple offices and repeated trips between them.
1.Attorney addresses a Request for Judgment to the Chief Justice of Parquet Court
2.Birth parents are interviewed in Parquet Court
3.Parquet Court signs off on "approval judgement for adoption
4.Facilitator takes approval to DGI for stamp of authorization
5.Back to Parquet for enforcement of the approval judgement
6.Authorization and redaction from the Civil Registrar Officer for legal Adoption Decree
7.Verification in Parquet of the adoption documents by the Civil Registrar before signing the adoption decree
8.First Legalization of the Adoption Decree, in Parquet Court
9.Second Legalization of the Adoption Decree, at the Ministry of Justice
10.Third Legalization of the Adoption Decree, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
11.Obtain attestation of Adoption Decree from the National Archives
Ministry of the Interior
All international adoption cases are reviewed by the Ministry of Interior. In order to obtain authorization to request a passport, the following documents must be submitted for each child:
1.Four passport sized pictures
2.Birth Certificate
3.Attestation for the Birth Certificate
4.Extract from the National Archives for the Birth Certificate
6.Proces Verbal of adoption
7.Adoption approval judgement
8.Adoption Decree
9.Attestation of the Adoption Decree
10.Power of Attorney for creche director and/or attorney
11.Stamp from DGI
12.Notary letter for the passport
13.Identification card of facilitator and/or attorney on the case
14.Biological parents' identification cards
15.Adoptive parents' MOI form, identification, and passport photos
The Ministry of Interior will grant authorization to submit the dossier to Haitian Immigrations for a passport.
Haitian Immigrations
The facilitator will submit authorization to apply for a passport to Haitian Immigrations. This is generally a quick process - one to two weeks, if all equipment is working properly.
US Immigrations
Note to international readers - US Immigrations performs the most rigorous investigation of international adoptions. Other nations' Immigrations process are different. Please check with your agency to learn about the process for your home country.)
Parts of the US Immigrations process can occur concurrently with the Haitian process, however USCIS cannot sign off on the case until they have verified the final Adoption Decree and the child's passport. DNA may be requested at any time.
American families are advised to work closely with their agencies to ensure a smooth and efficient US Immigrations process for their child.
Approximately three to four weeks following completion of all USCIS investigations and adjudication of the I600 for the child, the case will be forwarded to the Department of State for issuance of a Visa. The Department of State also has the right to request DNA testing for birth parent and child. Adoptive parents need not be present for the Visa appointment.
Parents who can prove that they visited their child prior to the issuance of the Adoption Decree by Parquet Court will be issued an IR-3 Visa. Their children will be automatically granted full US Citizenship upon arrival in the US.
Families who did not visit their children prior to the date of the Adoption Decree must file for citizenship for their children. Failure to file for citizenship will leave the child as a legal immigrant and unprotected by the rights of full citizenship. Please refer to the USCIS website for form N-600 and instructions on how to file.
These steps were provided by Margarette Saint Fleur of BRESMA orphanage. All legitimate adoptions facilitators must follow each one of them, and must do so under extremely difficult conditions.
Haitian adoptions take far, far too long. Children wait in orphanages for months and even years while the adoption proceedings drag on. And yet, when we look at the immensely complicated process, we must realize what a miracle it is when each child comes home.
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